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Targa n. 9
Il portale istituzionale del Comune di Nettuno (RM)

A cinquanta metri di distanza, sempre restando in via Romana, al numero civico 71, la nona targa storica indica l’abitazione del generale Lucian K. Truscott, durante la sua permanenza a Nettuno. Era una palazzina a due piani e disponeva di tre camere da letto. La casa apparteneva al dottor Francesco Bartoli, il chirurgo che operņ S. Maria Goretti nel 1902. Truscott e il suo capo di Stato maggiore Carlton dormivano al piano superiore.

Nella foto vediamo il generale Truscott a colloquio con il generale Alexander e, alle spalle, i generali britannici Gregson-Ellis, Hawkesworth e Templer, in vena di scherzi. 


Not more than a hundred yards or so from the War Room, in Via Romana, at number 71, the ninth historical plaque indicates the villa where General Lucian K. Truscott lived during his stay in Nettuno. It had two small apartments, one above the other, each with a living room, kitchen, and two or three bedrooms. There Carleton, the aides, Wilson and Bartash and Truscott settle down in the capable hands of Sergeant Barna. There they lived  and slept  above ground during the three months which they were to remain at the beachhead. The house belonged to Dr. Francesco Bartoli, the surgeon who cared on St. Maria Goretti in 1902. The photo shows General Truscott (on the left) talking to General Alexander, outside the villa, and behind them, British generals Gregson-Ellis, Hawkesworth and Templer, in the mood of jokes.

